Falou que eles passaram alguns dias em estúdio "ensaiando" novas idéias. Há planos de shows nos EUA no verão americano (junho/julho) e talvez na Europa (provavelmente em algum festival). Os detalhes dará depois.
No site oficial foi postando um video atual, mostrando o que eles andam fazendo ultimamente.
Em uma mensagem de fim de ano, o Brandon escreveu que nesse mês dentre outras coisas, estão reunindo idéias e trabalhando num albúm 'Greatest Hits'. A novidade é que terá algumas músicas novas. Segundo ele, o cd deverá sair na primavera (americana) de 2009, ou seja em torno de abril aqui no Brasil.
Partes da mensagem abaixo:
"We are currently pooling our collective ideas, knocking the dust off of the gears, and reconvening in Los Angeles this month to create and compile what will be our newest offering into the world of illegal downloading! In short, we are releasing our first Greatest Hits album."
"It looks as if the Greatest Hits will have a few new tracks on it and that it will be ready to steal around Spring of 2009!"
"Lastly, a warm and sincere thank you to all of you who have been onboard with us for so long. Sharing our music with you has been a privileged occasion! And I thank all of you on behalf of this band. Here's to another year of art, music, travel and discovery. All our love. Take care of yourselves and each other out there."
Happy Holidays,
Aproveitamos também para desejar um Feliz Natal e um Feliz 2009
Happy Holidays
Update: The band manager said that Greatest Hits/Best Of album which is scheduled for release on March 31. The guys have actually spent the last few days in LA rehearsing a bunch of new song ideas. The album will include 3 new songs at the very least. It might also include a bonus disc with all kinds of tidbits from the band's musical past including some unreleased stuff recorded in the studio and in concert.
Here a new video about Incubus'news
Above you can read some parts of Brandon's message of Happy Holidays.
We (from Incubus Brasil blog) would like to wish you all a Happy Holidays.